centos 7 从字符界面改成图形界面启动后, 启动失败,

在started accounts service 这一步卡住, 经分析可能跟图形驱动有关,  要改回字符界面, 在开机grub时, 选内核, 按e, 在有linux16的这一行末, 添加 digit 3, ctrl-x重启即可进入字符界面:



On the initial grub boot screen you press Esc to get the kernel list then hit ‘e’ to edit the top one, scroll down to the ‘linux16’ or ‘linuxefi’ lines and scroll to the end of the line (actually easier to put the cursor on the line below and then go backwards with the arrow key) then append a space followed by the digit 3 then press Ctrl-X to boot up. Now you can login as root and do what you need to do.

Categories: OS


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