ipa client 安装记

安装ipa-client的时候, 总是如下报错: [root@optdocker1-iuap-hb2-ali sean]# ipa-replica-install –setup-dns –forwarder –setup-ca –auto-reverse –principal admin –admin-password XXXXXX Discovery was successful! Client hostname: optdocker1-iuap-hb2-ali.yonyouiuap.com Realm: YONYOUIUAP.COM DNS Domain: yonyouiuap.com IPA Server: freeipa1-iuap-hb2-ali.yonyouiuap.com BaseDN: dc=yonyouiuap,dc=com Continue to configure the system with these values? [no]: yes Error trying to clean keytab: /usr/sbin/ipa-rmkeytab returned 1 Synchronizing time Read more…

freeipa replica安装记

在安装ipa多主时: ipa-replica-install –setup-dns –forwarder –setup-ca –auto-reverse –principal admin –admin-password XXXXX 执行以上命令安装时, 一直在报错:

查了下google, 终于找到一篇文章: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/6613 具体就是: pki-tomcat的8009端口没启来, 原因是: This is a duplicate of https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/6575. We’re working on a fix. As mentioned in comment:16, changing ::1 to localhost or in /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/conf/server.xml in ‘address’ field of AJP/1.3 Connector fixes the Read more…

openvpn web ui 安装记

之前让同事架设了一个openvpn, 后来同事离职, 用命令注销账号, 确老是报错, 后来不断有新账号加入需要, 后来想要是有个web页面去管理就好了,就在github上搜, 后来找到了这个项目: https://github.com/Chocobozzz/OpenVPN-Admin 正符合需要, 于是就开始clone下来安装. 依次输入命令:

./install.sh /data/apps/www_openvpn sean admin Server Hostname/IP: x.x.x.x Port [443]: xxxx MySQL root password: MySQL user name for OpenVPN-Admin (will be created): admin MySQL user password for OpenVPN-Admin: ############ Certificates informations ################## Key size (1024, 2048 or 4096) [2048]: Read more…