今天启动harbor时启动失败, 有几个问题, 记录一下: 重启docker,报错: msg=”Error starting daemon: layer does not exist” 解决:只能是清空docker数据目录了,实际上官方还提供了一个略微安全的删除脚本:
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#!/bin/sh set -e dir="$1" if [ -z "$dir" ]; then { echo 'This script is for destroying old /var/lib/docker directories more safely than' echo ' "rm -rf", which can cause data loss or other serious issues.' echo echo "usage: $0 directory" echo " ie: $0 /var/lib/docker" } >&2 exit 1 fi if [ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]; then echo >&2 "error: $0 must be run as root" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then echo >&2 "error: $dir is not a directory" exit 1 fi dir="$(readlink -f "$dir")" echo echo "Nuking $dir ..." echo ' (if this is wrong, press Ctrl+C NOW!)' echo ( set -x; sleep 10 ) echo dir_in_dir() { inner="$1" outer="$2" [ "${inner#$outer}" != "$inner" ] } # let's start by unmounting any submounts in $dir # (like -v /home:... for example - DON'T DELETE MY HOME DIRECTORY BRU!) for mount in $(awk '{ print $5 }' /proc/self/mountinfo); do mount="$(readlink -f "$mount" || true)" if dir_in_dir "$mount" "$dir"; then ( set -x; umount -f "$mount" ) fi done # now, let's go destroy individual btrfs subvolumes, if any exist if command -v btrfs > /dev/null 2>&1; then root="$(df "$dir" | awk 'NR>1 { print $NF }')" root="${root#/}" # if root is "/", we want it to become "" for subvol in $(btrfs subvolume list -o "$root/" 2>/dev/null | awk -F' path ' '{ print $2 }' | sort -r); do subvolDir="$root/$subvol" if dir_in_dir "$subvolDir" "$dir"; then ( set -x; btrfs subvolume delete "$subvolDir" ) fi done fi # finally, DESTROY ALL THINGS ( set -x; rm -rf "$dir" ) |
将该脚本保存到本地后运行sh fix.sh /data/docker,清空/data/docker目录,重启docker服务 docker-compose启动harbor, harbor-log启动失败 Changing password for root. sudo: unable to change expired password: Authentication token manipulation error sudo: Account or password is expired, reset your password and try again 解决: 参考:https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/79497 重新拉取镜像:docker pull goharbor/harbor-log:v1.10.3 修改配置文件,重启成功 Read more…