之前一直使用certbot-auto来获取https证书,后来更换了新域名, 重新生成证书时,报:“Your system is not supported by certbot-auto anymore.”, 查了一下是因为certbot-auto团队没有精力为所有操作系统进行维护,所以包括centos7在内的许多系统已不被支持,目前certbot不推荐在centos7上使用仓库安装,官方建议使用snap进行certbot的安装和更新。官方原文如下: While the Certbot team tries to keep the Certbot packages offered by various operating systems working in the most basic sense, due to distribution policies and/or the limited resources of distribution maintainers, Certbot OS packages often have problems that other Read more…