通过Django调用k8s client来实现webssh登录:
- Kubernetes Stream:接收数据执行,提供实时返回数据流
- Django Channels:维持长连接,接收前端数据转给Kubernetes,同时将Kubernetes返回的数据发送给前端
- xterm.js:一个前端终端组件,用于模拟Terminal的界面显示
基本的数据流向是:用户 –> xterm.js –> django channels –> kubernetes stream,接下来看看具体的代码实现
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apscheduler==3.6.3 Django==2.2.13 channels==2.3.1 channels_redis==2.4.1 paramiko==2.7.1 django-redis==4.10.0 requests==2.22.0 GitPython==3.0.8 python-ldap==3.2.0 openpyxl==3.0.3 kubernetes==7.0.0 |
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# -*- coding=utf-8 -*- """ :author sean """ import os import json import threading from kubernetes import client, config from kubernetes.stream import stream # from kubernetes.client import * # from kubernetes.client.rest import ApiException class KubernetesAPI(object): def __init__(self, api_host, ssl_ca_cert, key_file, cert_file): kub_conf = client.Configuration() kub_conf.host = api_host kub_conf.ssl_ca_cert = ssl_ca_cert kub_conf.cert_file = cert_file kub_conf.key_file = key_file self.api_client = client.ApiClient(configuration=kub_conf) self.client_core_v1 = client.CoreV1Api(api_client=self.api_client) self.client_apps_v1 = client.AppsV1Api(api_client=self.api_client) self.client_extensions_v1 = client.ExtensionsV1beta1Api( api_client=self.api_client) self.api_dict = {} def __getattr__(self, item): if item in self.api_dict: return self.api_dict[item] if hasattr(client, item) and callable(getattr(client, item)): self.api_dict[item] = getattr(client, item)( api_client=self.api_client) return self.api_dict[item] class K8SClient(KubernetesAPI): def __init__(self, api_host, ssl_ca_cert, key_file, cert_file): super(K8SClient, self).__init__( api_host, ssl_ca_cert, key_file, cert_file) def terminal_start(self, namespace, pod_name, container, rows, cols): command = [ "/bin/sh", "-c", 'TERM=xterm-256color; export TERM;' '([ -x /usr/bin/fish ] && exec /usr/bin/fish)' '|| ([ -x /bin/bash ] && ([ -x /usr/bin/script ] ' '&& /usr/bin/script -q -c "/bin/bash" /dev/null || exec /bin/bash))' '|| exec /bin/sh'] container_stream = stream( self.client_core_v1.connect_get_namespaced_pod_exec, name=pod_name, namespace=namespace, container=container, command=command, stderr=True, stdin=True, stdout=True, tty=True, _preload_content=False ) container_stream.write_channel(4, json.dumps({"Height": int(rows), "Width": int(cols)})) return container_stream def get_pod_log(self, namespace, pod_name, container, tail_lines=50): """ 获取pod的日志 :param tail_lines: # 显示最后多少行 :return: """ log_stream = self.client_core_v1.read_namespaced_pod_log( name=pod_name, namespace=namespace, container=container, follow=True, pretty=True, _preload_content=False, timestamps=True, tail_lines=tail_lines ).stream() return log_stream class K8SStreamThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, websocket, container_stream): super(K8SStreamThread, self).__init__() self.websocket = websocket self.stream = container_stream def run(self): while self.stream.is_open(): try: self.stream.update(timeout=1) if self.stream.peek_stdout(): stdout = self.stream.read_stdout() # print('stream stdout--->',stdout) if stdout: self.websocket.send(bytes_data=stdout.encode(encoding = "utf-8")) elif self.stream.peek_stderr(): stderr = self.stream.read_stderr() # print('stream stderr--->',stderr) self.websocket.send(bytes_data=stderr.encode()) except: self.websocket.close() else: self.websocket.close() class K8SLogStreamThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, websocket, container_stream): super(K8SLogStreamThread, self).__init__() self.websocket = websocket self.stream = container_stream def run(self): for s in self.stream: if s: self.websocket.send(bytes_data=s) else: self.websocket.close() |
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from channels.generic.websocket import WebsocketConsumer from django_redis import get_redis_connection from apps.host.models import Host from threading import Thread import json from libs.k8s import K8SClient, K8SStreamThread, K8SLogStreamThread from django.conf import settings from urllib.parse import parse_qs class ExecConsumer(WebsocketConsumer): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.token = self.scope['url_route']['kwargs']['token'] self.rds = get_redis_connection() def connect(self): self.accept() def disconnect(self, code): self.rds.close() def get_response(self): response = self.rds.brpop(self.token, timeout=5) return response[1] if response else None def receive(self, **kwargs): response = self.get_response() while response: data = response.decode() self.send(text_data=data) response = self.get_response() self.send(text_data='pong') class SSHConsumer(WebsocketConsumer): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.user = self.scope['user'] self.id = self.scope['url_route']['kwargs']['id'] self.chan = None self.ssh = None def loop_read(self): while True: data = self.chan.recv(32 * 1024) # print('read: {!r}'.format(data)) if not data: self.close(3333) break self.send(bytes_data=data) def receive(self, text_data=None, bytes_data=None): data = text_data or bytes_data if data: data = json.loads(data) # print('write: {!r}'.format(data)) resize = data.get('resize') if resize and len(resize) == 2: self.chan.resize_pty(*resize) else: self.chan.send(data['data']) def disconnect(self, code): self.chan.close() self.ssh.close() # print('Connection close') def connect(self): if self.user.has_host_perm(self.id): self.accept() self._init() else: self.close() def _init(self): self.send(bytes_data=b'Connecting ...\r\n') host = Host.objects.filter(pk=self.id).first() if not host: self.send(text_data='Unknown host\r\n') self.close() try: self.ssh = host.get_ssh().get_client() except Exception as e: self.send(bytes_data=f'Exception: {e}\r\n'.encode()) self.close() return self.chan = self.ssh.invoke_shell(term='xterm') self.chan.transport.set_keepalive(30) Thread(target=self.loop_read).start() class TerminalConsumer(WebsocketConsumer): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # self.user = self.scope['user'] self.namespace = self.scope['url_route']['kwargs']['namespace'] self.pod = self.scope['url_route']['kwargs']['pod'] self.container = self.scope['url_route']['kwargs']['container'] query_string = self.scope['query_string'].decode() self.rows = parse_qs(query_string).get('rows', [''])[0] self.cols = parse_qs(query_string).get('cols', [''])[0] self.kub = K8SClient( api_host = settings.K8S_API_HOST, ssl_ca_cert = settings.K8S_CA_CERT, key_file = settings.K8S_KEY_FILE, cert_file = settings.K8S_CERT_FILE ) self.stream = None def connect(self): self.accept() self._init() def disconnect(self, close_code): self.stream.write_stdin('exit\r') self.stream.close() def receive(self, text_data=None, bytes_data=None): data = text_data or bytes_data if data: data = json.loads(data) # print('write: {!r}'.format(data)) resize = data.get('resize') if resize and len(resize) == 2 and isinstance(resize, list): rows = resize[0] cols = resize[1] self.stream.write_channel(4, json.dumps({"Height": int(rows), "Width": int(cols)})) else: self.stream.write_stdin(data['data']) def _init(self): self.send(bytes_data=b'Connecting ...\r\n') try: self.stream = self.kub.terminal_start(self.namespace, self.pod, self.container, self.rows, self.cols) except Exception as e: self.send(bytes_data=f'Exception: {e}\r\n'.encode()) self.close() return K8SStreamThread(self, self.stream).start() class LogConsumer(WebsocketConsumer): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # self.user = self.scope['user'] self.namespace = self.scope['url_route']['kwargs']['namespace'] self.pod = self.scope['url_route']['kwargs']['pod'] self.container = self.scope['url_route']['kwargs']['container'] self.kub = K8SClient( api_host = settings.K8S_API_HOST, ssl_ca_cert = settings.K8S_CA_CERT, key_file = settings.K8S_KEY_FILE, cert_file = settings.K8S_CERT_FILE ) self.stream = None # self.tail_lines = 300 def connect(self): self.accept() self._init() def disconnect(self, close_code): try: # self.stream.write_stdin('exit\r') self.stream.close() except Exception as e: pass def send_message(self, data): data = text_data or bytes_data if data: self.stream.send(data) def _init(self): self.send(bytes_data=b'Connecting ...\r\n') try: self.stream = self.kub.get_pod_log(self.namespace, self.pod, self.container) except Exception as e: self.send(bytes_data=f'Exception: {e}\r\n'.encode()) self.close() return K8SLogStreamThread(self, self.stream).start() |
- 窗口自适应的问题:
- cat有中文字符的文件,会卡住,报错:UnicodeDecodeError: ‘utf-8’ codec can’t decode bytes in position…
- 原因:是k8s client python sdk的一个bug, 解决方式是修改/root/.py_env/.virtualenvs/ansible/lib/python3.9/site-packages/kubernetes/stream/ws_client.py, 修改第179行data = data.decode(“utf-8”)为:data = data.decode(“utf-8”, “replace”)
- 参考:
- https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python-base/issues/88
- https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python-base/commit/15474efbaf906bf557c4a38392a0b06c95ce7841
- 原因:是k8s client python sdk的一个bug, 解决方式是修改/root/.py_env/.virtualenvs/ansible/lib/python3.9/site-packages/kubernetes/stream/ws_client.py, 修改第179行data = data.decode(“utf-8”)为:data = data.decode(“utf-8”, “replace”)
- 打开webterminal页面后,容器所在机器的CPU负载会飙升,改成async异步也解决不了,官方sdk有个方法:
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930def update(self, timeout=0):"""Update channel buffers with at most one complete frame of input."""if not self.is_open():returnif not self.sock.connected:self._connected = Falsereturnr, _, _ = select.select((self.sock.sock, ), (), (), timeout)if r:op_code, frame = self.sock.recv_data_frame(True)if op_code == ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE:self._connected = Falsereturnelif op_code == ABNF.OPCODE_BINARY or op_code == ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT:data = frame.dataif six.PY3:data = data.decode("utf-8", "replace")if len(data) > 1:channel = ord(data[0])data = data[1:]if data:if channel in [STDOUT_CHANNEL, STDERR_CHANNEL]:# keeping all messages in the order they received# for non-blocking call.self._all.write(data)if channel not in self._channels:self._channels[channel] = dataelse:self._channels[channel] += data
- 解决: 在方法K8SStreamThread 里加上self.stream.update(timeout=1),当有最多一个完整的输入帧时更新通道缓冲区
- 参考: https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python/tree/release-12.0/examples
Django WebSocket (一):WebSocket 概念及原理
- WebSocket允许服务端主动向客户端推送数据
- 在WebSocket协议中
- 客户端浏览器和服务器只需要一次握手就可以创建持久性的连接
- 并在浏览器和服务器之间进行双向的数据传输
- HTTP、WebSocket
- 都是建立在TCP连接基础之上
- websocket协议是通过http协议来建立传输层的TCP连接

HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
- 客户端发送GET,请求,服务器返回页面数据
- 客户端不停地发送请求,询问服务器是否有数据返回,服务器一直响应请求
- 这种方式,

- 1 .客户端通过HTTP协议发送GET请求,携带
,指定要将HTTP协议升级成WebSocket协议 - 2 .服务器给客户端返回
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
,表示协议切换成功 - 3 .服务端与客户端进行通信

- 优点:
- 支持双向通信,实时性更强
- 数据格式比较轻量,性能开销小,通信高效
- 支持扩展。用户可以扩展协议或者实现自定义的自协议(比如支持自定义压缩算法)
- 缺点
- 少部分浏览器不支持,浏览器支持的程度和方式有区别
- 长连接对后端处理业务的代码稳定性要求更高,后端推送功能相对复杂
- 成熟的HTTP生态下有大量的组件可以使用,WebSocket较少
- 应用场景
- 及时聊天通信,网站消息通知
- 在线协同编辑,如腾讯文档
- 多玩家在线游戏,视屏弹幕、股票基金实时报价
Django 使用 WebSocket
- 需要解决的问题
- 如何分辨路由(HTTP请求、WebSocket请求)
- 如何兼容Django的认证系统
- 如何接受和推送WebSocket消息
- 如何通过ORM保存和获取数据
- 由以上问题便引出我们的Django Channels
Django Channels
Protocol Type Router
Django 请求
- Django是一个同步框架:接收到请求之后,必须处理完这个请求,返回了之后,浏览器才能显示加载完毕
- 业务场景:Django处理一个时间很长的请求
- 面临的问题
- 客户端浏览器会一直等待
- Nginx会超时(TimeOut),关闭连接
- 可以考虑的方案
- 使用celery,将比较耗时的任务传递给celery,进行异步处理;Django正常返回
- 问题:
- 面临的问题
Django Channels
interface server
:接口服务器,负责对协议进行解析,将不同协议分发到不同的ChannelChannel Leyer
:频道层,可以是一个FIFO(先进先出,first in;first out)队列,通常使用Redisconsumer
- 配置步骤
- 在
- 在
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from channels.layers import get_channel_layer channel_layer = get_channel_layer() # ChannelLayerManager() 频道层管理器实例 ==> 相当于ORM中查询集的管理器QuerySet # 频道层的API channel_layer.group_add("第一个参数是组名", "第二个参数是频道的名字") channel_layer.group_discard() # 离开某一个组 |
- asgi.py:介于网络协议服务和Python应用之间的标准接口,能够处理多重通用类型协议,包括HTTP、HTTP2和WebSocket
- channel_layers:在settings.py中配置,类似于一个通道,发送者(producer)在一段发送消息,消费者(consumer)在另一端监听
- routungs.py:相当于Django中的urls.py
- consumers.py:相当于Django中的views.py
- views.py: 用来开发
规范的应用 - consumers.py: 用来开发
- views.py: 用来开发
- 为Python语言定义的Web服务器和Web应用程序或框架之前的一种简单而通用的接口
- uWSGI:一个Web服务器, 可安装的软件,提供服务的
- 异步服务网关接口,一个介于网络协议器和Python之间的标准接口
- 能够处理多种通用的协议类型,包括HTTP、HTTPS和WebSocket
- 部署:
- HTTP、HTTP2:Nginx/Apache + WSGI(uWSGI) + Django/Flask/Python3
- HTTP、HTTP2、WebSocket:Nginx/Apache + ASGI)(Daphne)+ Django/Flask/Python3
- 区别
- WSGI:基于HTTP协议模式的,不支持WebSocket
- ASGI:就是为了支持Python常用的WSGI所不支持的新的协议标准
- 即:
- event loop:事件循环
- event handler:事件处理
- sync:同步
- async:异步
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from channels.consumer import SyncConsumer class EchoConsumer(SyncConsumer): """同步的Consumer""" def websocket_connect(self, event): """ 建立连接 event: 连接的事件 """ self.send({ # 这里的这个字典的key是固定的 # 这里写的是一个字符串,但是对应的是websocket.accept() 这个方法 # -->接收websocket的连接 "type": "websocket.accept", }) def websocket_receive(self, event): """ 接受消息 event:接受的事件 """ self.send({ # 这里写的是一个字符串,但是对应的是websocket.send() 这个方法 # --> 从后端主动发送websocket的消息 "type": "websocket.send", "text": event["text"] # 后端返回给前端的数据 }) |
ORM 同步到异步
什么时候用sync什么时候用async 异步的代码里面不要写入同步的逻辑,否则起不到真正意义上的异步并发
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class EchoAsyncConsumer(AsyncConsumer): async def websocket_receive(self, event): # 如果在异步的逻辑里面,出现同步的代码 --> 当前方法的事件循环会卡住,这时候就要把同步代码改成异步代码 # ORM同步到异步 user = User.objects.get(username=username) from channels.db import database_sync_to_async # 方式一: # user = await database_sync_to_async(user = User.objects.get(username=username)) # 方式二: @database_sync_to_async def get_user(username): return user = User.objects.get(username=username) |
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user = self.scope["user"] path = self.scope["path"] # Request请求的路径==> HTTP/WebSocket header = self.scope["headers"] method = self.scope["method"] # 注意:这个只针对于HTTP请求 |
Generic Consumer同步与异步通信
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from channels.generic.websocket import WebsocketConsumer, AsyncWebsocketConsumer class MyConsumer(WebsocketConsumer): """WebsocketConsumer:对SyncConsumer的进一步封装""" def connect(self): """同步,接收连接""" # self.accept() 如果不传参,表示接受websocket的连接 # self.accept() 传参,subprotocol==>自定义的子协议 self.accept(subprotocol="you protocol") # 拒绝连接,给客户端发送一个状态码403,表示权限错误 self.close(code=403) def receive(self, text_data=None, bytes_data=None): """接收数据""" self.send(text_data="") # 返回文本 self.send(bytes_data="") # 把字符串转换成二进制的帧返回 self.close() def disconnect(self, code): """断开连接""" pass class MyAsyncConsumer(AsyncWebsocketConsumer): """ 把上面同步的Consumer变成异步的Consumer 步骤:def()前面添加async,函数内部调用的方法前面添加await """ async def connect(self): """同步,接收连接""" await self.accept(subprotocol="you protocol") await self.close(code=403) async def receive(self, text_data=None, bytes_data=None): """接收数据""" await self.send(text_data="") await self.send(bytes_data="") await self.close() async def disconnect(self, code): """断开连接""" pass |
- ProtocolTypeRouter:协议类型解析
- self.scope[‘type’]获取协议类型
- self.scope[‘url_route’][‘kwargs’][‘username’]获取url中关键字参数
channels routing是scope级别的,一个连接只能由一个consumer接收和处理
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from channels.auth import AuthMiddlewareStack from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter, URLRouter from channels.security.websocket import AllowedHostsOriginValidator from django.urls import path from zanhu.messager.consumers import MessagesConsumer application = ProtocolTypeRouter({ # 'http': # 普通的HTTP请求不需要我们手动在这里添加,框架会自动加载 'websocket': # 使用AllowedHostsOriginValidator,允许的访问的源站与settings.py文件中的ALLOWED_HOSTS相同 AllowedHostsOriginValidator( # 认证中间件站(兼容Django认证系统): # 用于WebSocket认证,集成了CookieMiddleware, SessionMiddleware, AuthMiddleware AuthMiddlewareStack( # URL路由 URLRouter([ # URL路由匹配 path('ws/notifications/', NotificationsConsumer), path('ws/<str:username>/', MessagesConsumer), ]) ) ) }) |
- OriginValidator、AllowedHostsOriginValidator可以防止通过WebSocket进行CSRF攻击
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from channels.security.websocket import OriginValidator application = ProtocolTypeRouter({ 'websocket': OriginValidator( AuthMiddlewareStack( URLRouter([ ... ]) ), # 第二个参数,手动添加的允许访问的源站 [".imooc.com", "http://.imooc.com:80", "http://muke.site.com"] ) }) |
安装:pipenv install channels-redis
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INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', ... 'channels', # 添加channels ) |
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import os import sys import django from channels.routing import get_default_application # application加入查找路径中 app_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), os.pardir)) sys.path.append(os.path.join(app_path, 'zanhu')) # ../project/project,应用的路径 os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "config.settings.production") django.setup() application = get_default_application() |
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... ASGI_APPLICATION = "myproject.asgi.application" ... |
Channels的原理中说了:consumer.py相当于Django中的view.py 用来处理请求
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import json from channels.generic.websocket import AsyncWebsocketConsumer class MessagesConsumer(AsyncWebsocketConsumer): """处理私信应用中WebSocket请求""" # 定义方法的地方,前面添加 async # 调用方法的地方,前面添加 await async def connect(self): """WebSocket连接""" # 校验用户是否是合法用户 if self.scope['user'].is_anonymous: # is_anonymous # 未登录的用户拒绝连接 await self.close() else: # 加入聊天组,监听频道 # channel_layer ==> get_channel_layer() ==> ChannelLayerManager() 频道层管理器实例 # 每两个私信的人建立一个聊天组 # group_add("第一个参数是组名", "第二个参数是频道的名字") # 频道名字,使用默认就可以:"%s.%s!%s" % (prefix, self.client_prefix, uuid.uuid4().hex,) await self.channel_layer.group_add(self.scope['user'].username, self.channel_name) # 接受WebSocket连接 await self.accept() async def receive(self, text_data=None, bytes_data=None): """接收私信""" await self.send(text_data=json.dumps(text_data)) async def disconnect(self, code): """离开聊天组""" # 把当前用户从当前监听的频道组里面移除 await self.channel_layer.group_discard(self.scope['user'].username, self.channel_name) |
- 这里就相当于Django中的urls.py
- 主要用来匹配不同的请求
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from channels.auth from django.urls import pathimport AuthMiddlewareStack from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter, URLRouter from channels.security.websocket import AllowedHostsOriginValidator from proejct.messager.consumers import MessagesConsumer from proejct.notifications.consumers import NotificationsConsumer application = ProtocolTypeRouter({ 'websocket': AllowedHostsOriginValidator( AuthMiddlewareStack( URLRouter([ path('ws/<str:username>/', MessagesConsumer), ]) ) ) }) |
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// WebSocket构造函数,用于新建WebSocket实例 var ws = new WebSocket('websocket地址', '请求类型'); ws.readyState:返回实例对象当前的状态 CONNNECTING: 值为0, 表示正在连接 OPEN: 值为1, 表示连接成功, 可以通信了 CLOSING: 值为2, 表示连接正在关闭 CLOSED: 值为3, 表示连接已关闭, 或者打开连接失败 // ws.readyState:实例对象的使用 switch (ws.readyState) { case ws.CONNECTING: // break; case ws.OPEN: // break; case ws.CLOSING: // break; case ws.CLOSED: // break; default: // ... break; } // ws.onopen 用于指定连接成功后的回调函数 ws.onopen = function () { ws.send('连接成功!') }; // ws.onclose 用于指定连接关闭后的回调函数 ws.onclose = function () { ws.send('连接关闭!') }; // ws.onmessage 用于指定收到服务器数据后的回调函数 ws.onmessage = function (event) { if (typeof event.data === String) { console.log("received string") } else { console.log("xxx") } }; // ws.send() // 发送数据内容 // ws.onerror 指定报错时的回调函数 ws.onerror = function (event) { // 报错处理 }; |
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$(function () { // 滚动条下拉到底 function scrollConversationScreen() { $("input[name='message']").focus(); $('.messages-list').scrollTop($('.messages-list')[0].scrollHeight); } // AJAX POST发送消息 $("#send").submit(function () { $.ajax({ url: '/messages/send-message/', data: $("#send").serialize(), cache: false, type: 'POST', success: function (data) { $(".send-message").before(data); // 将接收到的消息插入到聊天框 $("input[name='message']").val(''); // 消息发送框置为空 scrollConversationScreen(); // 滚动条下拉到底 } }); return false; }); // const:固定常量 // "https:" ? "wss" : "ws" ==> JS中的三元运算符 // WebSocket连接,使用wss(https)或者ws(http) const ws_scheme = window.location.protocol === "https:" ? "wss" : "ws"; const ws_path = ws_scheme + "://" + window.location.host + "/ws/" + currentUser + "/"; const ws = new ReconnectingWebSocket(ws_path); // 监听后端发送过来的消息 // event 监听事件 ws.onmessage = function (event) { const data = JSON.parse(event.data); if (data.sender === activeUser) { // 发送者为当前选中的用户 $(".send-message").before(data.message); // 将接收到的消息插入到聊天框 scrollConversationScreen(); // 滚动条下拉到底 } } }); |
参考: https://zhengxingtao.com/article/125/