clone repo
将 kubernetes 官方源码 fork 到自己的 repo 中
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$ git clone https://github.com/rainingwalk/kubernetes.git $ cd kubernetes $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes.git $ git fetch --all $ git checkout upstream/release-1.21 $ git checkout -B kubeadm-1.21 |
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--- name: Build kubeadm binary on: push: tag: - 'v*' jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 # 使此git action在release时有写权限,不然会报GitHub release failed with status: 403 undefined permissions: contents: write # 这里我们选择以 tag 的方式触发 job 的运行 if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/') steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 # 运行 build/run.sh 构建脚本来编译相应平台上的二进制文件 - name: Build kubeadm binary shell: bash run: | bash -x build/run.sh make kubeadm KUBE_BUILD_PLATFORMS=linux/amd64 bash -x build/run.sh make kubeadm KUBE_BUILD_PLATFORMS=linux/arm64 # 构建好的二进制文件存放在 _output/dockerized/bin/ 中 # 我们根据二进制目标文件的系统名称+CPU体系架构名称进行命名 - name: Prepare for upload shell: bash run: | mv _output/dockerized/bin/linux/amd64/kubeadm kubeadm-linux-amd64 mv _output/dockerized/bin/linux/arm64/kubeadm kubeadm-linux-arm64 sha256sum kubeadm-linux-{amd64,arm64} > sha256sum.txt # 使用 softprops/action-gh-release 来将构建产物上传到 GitHub release 当中 - name: Release and upload packages uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: files: | sha256sum.txt kubeadm-linux-amd64 kubeadm-linux-arm64 |
: Run a command in a build docker container. Common invocations:
build/run.sh make
: Build just linux binaries in the container. Pass options and packages as necessary.build/run.sh make cross
: Build all binaries for all platforms. To build only a specific platform, addKUBE_BUILD_PLATFORMS=<os>/<arch>
build/run.sh make kubectl KUBE_BUILD_PLATFORMS=darwin/amd64
: Build the specific binary for the specific platform (kubectl
respectively in this example)build/run.sh make test
: Run all unit testsbuild/run.sh make test-integration
: Run integration testbuild/run.sh make test-cmd
: Run CLI tests
找到 CertificateValidity
变量将它在 365 天后面加两个 0,就将证书续命为 100 年了。
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// CertificateValidity defines the validity for all the signed certificates generated by kubeadm CertificateValidity = time.Hour * 24 * 36500 // CACertAndKeyBaseName defines certificate authority base name CACertAndKeyBaseName = "ca" |
在分支上完成修改之后,我们将这个修改 cherry-pick 到其他的 tag 上面去,下面以 v1.21.4 为例子:在 v1.21.4 tag 的基础之上将上述的修改 cherry-pick 过来,重新打上新的 tag。
- 获取上述修改的 commit id
1$ COMMIT_ID=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
- checkout 到 v1.21.4 这个 tag 上
1234567$ git checkout v1.21.4 Note: checking out 'v1.21.4'.You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:HEAD is now at 3cce4a82b44 Release commit for Kubernetes v1.21.4
- 将修改 cherry-pick 到当前 tag 上
1234$ git cherry-pick $COMMIT_ID[detached HEAD baadbe03458] Update kubeadm CertificateValidity time to ten years Date:Tue Aug 24 16:32:49 2021 +08002 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/kubeadm.yaml
- 重新打上新的 tag,如
12$ git tag v1.21.4-patch-1.0 -fUpdated tag 'v1.21.4-patch-1.0' (was 70bcbd6de6c)
- 将 tag push 到 repo 中触发 workflow
1234567$ git push origin --tags -fEnumerating objects: 17, done. Counting objects: 100% (17/17), done.Delta compression using up to 4 threads Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.Writing objects: 100% (10/10), 1.13 KiB | 192.00 KiB/s, done.Total 10 (delta 7), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (7/7),completed with 7 local objects. To github.com:k8sli/kubernetes.git+ c2a633e07ec...baadbe03458 v1.21.4-patch-1.0 -> v1.21.4-patch-1.0 (forced update)
注: 此处如果用windows系统的话,会发现所有文件都有变更。变更的内容是文件的权限,都变成了 755。是因为git 在提交项目时会保留文件权限位,但是 windows 的 ntfs 等文件系统不支持文件权限的设置。
忽略文件权限,执行下面的配置命令即可。git 通过 filemode 处理文件权限
# 全局设置
$ git config –global core.fileMode false
$ git config core.filemode false
安全起见,文件最好都没有执行权限。具体见 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1580596/how-do-i-make-git-ignore-file-mode-chmod-chang
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[root@sean kubernetes]# git checkout v1.22.17 Note: checking out 'v1.22.17'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b new_branch_name HEAD 目前位于 a7736ea... Release commit for Kubernetes v1.22.17 [root@sean kubernetes]# git cherry-pick $COMMIT_ID [分离头指针 d1c350b] extend cert to 100 years 2 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/kubeadm.yaml [root@sean kubernetes]# git tag v1.22.17-patch-1.0 -f 已更新tag 'v1.22.17-patch-1.0'(曾为 78c5908) [root@sean kubernetes]# git push origin --tags -f Username for 'https://github.com': rainingwalk Password for 'https://rainingwalk@github.com': Counting objects: 18, done. Delta compression using up to 2 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done. Writing objects: 100% (11/11), 1.30 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done. Total 11 (delta 7), reused 1 (delta 0) remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (7/7), completed with 7 local objects. To https://github.com/rainingwalk/kubernetes.git + 78c5908...d1c350b v1.22.17-patch-1.0 -> v1.22.17-patch-1.0 (forced update) * [new tag] v1.22.17 -> v1.22.17 |
上面只展示了以一个 tag 为单位进行构建的流程,想要构建其他版本的 kubeadm ,可以按照同样的流程和方法来完成。其实写一个 shell 脚本来处理也是十分简单,如下:
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#!/bin/bash set -o errexit set -o nounset # 定义 commit ID : ${COMMIT:="8b832eba48ee40ff50e51ca99989cbff727dd2ee"} # 定义需要重新编译的版本号 : ${TAGS:="v1.20.15"} #: ${TAGS:="v1.22.1 v1.22.0 v1.21.4 v1.21.3 v1.20.10 v1.19.14 v1.18.10"} for tag in ${TAGS}; do git reset --hard ${tag} git cherry-pick ${COMMIT} git tag ${tag}-patch-1.0 git push origin ${tag}-patch-1.0 done |
使用 GitHub Actions 的好处就是能够为我们解决代码管理和产物管理,构建好的二进制文件存放在 GitHub release 当中,下载和使用起来十分方便,不用在自己搞一台单独的机器或者存储服务器,节省很多人力维护成本