问题现象: 在银河麒麟V10上执行ansible时, 遇到了一个报错问题: ansible_pkg_mgr变量没有定义, 遂写了一个test.yml测试一下:
- hosts: localhost tasks: - debug: "msg={{ ansible_distribution}}" - debug: "msg={{ ansible_pkg_mgr }}" |
测试ansible_distribution为redhat, 而ansible_pkg_mgr的确是没有取出来 问题分析: 根据报错,很明确是因为ansible无法自动判断出系统使用的yum版本导致,我们知道当ansible中yum模块不指定use_backend参数时,将尝试自动判断,而ansible的setup模块可以获取对应的必要信息, 其中一个变量ansible_pkg_mgr及对应yum后端模块,接下来我们执行setup模块输出ansible_pkg_mgr变量来验证下我们的判断:
# ansible -i hosts node01 -m setup -a "filter=ansible_pkg_mgr" node01 | SUCCESS => { "ansible_facts": { "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python" }, "changed": false } |
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(ansible) [root@BIP-YMS-OAS resources]# cat /etc/os-releaseNAME="Kylin Linux Advanced Server" VERSION="V10 (Tercel)" ID="kylin" VERSION_ID="V10" PRETTY_NAME="Kylin Linux Advanced Server V10 (Tercel) ANSI_COLOR="9:31" (ansible) [root@BIP-YMS-QAS resources]# cat /etc/os-release NAME="Kylin Linux Advanced Server" VERSION="V10 (Tercel)" ID="kylin" VERSION_ID="V10" PRETTY_NAME="Kylin Linux Advanced Server V10 (Tercel) ANSI_COLOR="0:31" (ansible) [root@BIP-YMS-OAS resources]# uname -a Linux BIP-YMS-QAS 4,19.90-23.8,v2101.ky10.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon May 17 17:88:34 CT 2021 X86 64 X86 64 X86-64 GNU/Linux |
接下来根据报错提示信息找到ansible相关代码,在yum.py中,相关代码如下: ansible/plugins/action/yum.py
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if module not in ["yum", "yum4", "dnf"]: facts = self._execute_module(module_name="setup", module_args=dict(filter="ansible_pkg_mgr", gather_subset="!all"), task_vars=task_vars) display.debug("Facts %s" % facts) module = facts.get("ansible_facts", {}).get("ansible_pkg_mgr", "auto") if (not self._task.delegate_to or self._task.delegate_facts) and module != 'auto': result['ansible_facts'] = {'pkg_mgr': module} if module != "auto": if module == "yum4": module = "dnf" if module not in self._shared_loader_obj.module_loader: result.update({'failed': True, 'msg': "Could not find a yum module backend for %s." % module}) else: # run either the yum (yum3) or dnf (yum4) backend module new_module_args = self._task.args.copy() if 'use_backend' in new_module_args: del new_module_args['use_backend'] display.vvvv("Running %s as the backend for the yum action plugin" % module) result.update(self._execute_module(module_name=module, module_args=new_module_args, task_vars=task_vars, wrap_async=self._task.async_val)) # Now fall through to cleanup else: result.update( { 'failed': True, 'msg': ("Could not detect which major revision of yum is in use, which is required to determine module backend.", "You can manually specify use_backend to tell the module whether to use the yum (yum3) or dnf (yum4) backend})"), } ) # Now fall through to cleanup |
如代码所示,当执行yum未指定use_backend参数时,ansible会执行setup模块并根据ansible_pkg_mgr来自动判断yum的版本,获取不到则会报错,继续看下该参数的获取过程,找到pkg_mgr.py,关键代码如下: ansible/module_utils/facts/system/pkg_mgr.py
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def collect(self, module=None, collected_facts=None): facts_dict = {} collected_facts = collected_facts or {} pkg_mgr_name = 'unknown' for pkg in PKG_MGRS: if os.path.exists(pkg['path']): pkg_mgr_name = pkg['name'] # Handle distro family defaults when more than one package manager is # installed or available to the distro, the ansible_fact entry should be # the default package manager officially supported by the distro. if collected_facts['ansible_os_family'] == "RedHat": pkg_mgr_name = self._check_rh_versions(pkg_mgr_name, collected_facts) ... ... def _check_rh_versions(self, pkg_mgr_name, collected_facts): if collected_facts['ansible_distribution'] == 'Fedora': if os.path.exists('/run/ostree-booted'): return "atomic_container" try: if int(collected_facts['ansible_distribution_major_version']) < 23: for yum in [pkg_mgr for pkg_mgr in PKG_MGRS if pkg_mgr['name'] == 'yum']: if os.path.exists(yum['path']): pkg_mgr_name = 'yum' break else: for dnf in [pkg_mgr for pkg_mgr in PKG_MGRS if pkg_mgr['name'] == 'dnf']: if os.path.exists(dnf['path']): pkg_mgr_name = 'dnf' break except ValueError: # If there's some new magical Fedora version in the future, # just default to dnf pkg_mgr_name = 'dnf' elif collected_facts['ansible_distribution'] == 'Amazon': pkg_mgr_name = 'yum' else: # If it's not one of the above and it's Red Hat family of distros, assume # RHEL or a clone. For versions of RHEL < 8 that Ansible supports, the # vendor supported official package manager is 'yum' and in RHEL 8+ # (as far as we know at the time of this writing) it is 'dnf'. # If anyone wants to force a non-official package manager then they # can define a provider to either the package or yum action plugins. if int(collected_facts['ansible_distribution_major_version']) < 8: pkg_mgr_name = 'yum' else: pkg_mgr_name = 'dnf' return pkg_mgr_name |
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# ansible -i hosts node01 -m setup -a "filter=ansible_distribution" node01 | SUCCESS => { "ansible_facts": { "ansible_distribution": "RedHat", "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python" }, "changed": false } # ansible -i hosts node01 -m setup -a "filter=ansible_distribution_major_version" node01 | SUCCESS => { "ansible_facts": { "ansible_distribution_major_version": "V10", "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python" }, "changed": false } |
通过setup模块的输出结果可看到系统是判断为redhat发行版,但是通过ansible_distribution_major_version获取到的发行版主版本号为V10, 而和上面判断yum版本的代码关联起来看就会发现问题所在,int(collected_facts[‘ansible_distribution_major_version’]) < 8 中,ansible_distribution_major_version 变量在其初始化的代码中对应为为distribution_version.split(‘.’)[:2][0]的取值,而当系统中获取到的值是V7Update6时,该显然无法满足转换为int的要求。接下来看下V10这个关键字的定义位置,根据经验系统版本相关信息是在/etc/os-release中, 这里可以看到VERSION_ID的值被定义为V10,而系统原生发行版中该值是7,我们来看下os-release中对VERSION_ID参数的说明:
man os-release ... ... VERSION_ID= A lower-case string (mostly numeric, no spaces or other characters outside of 0-9, a-z, ".", "_" and "-") identifying the operating system version, excluding any OS name information or release code name, and suitable for processing by scripts or usage in generated filenames. This field is optional. Example: "VERSION_ID=17" or "VERSION_ID=11.04". ... ... |
根据man文档中的描述,VERSION_ID取值范围为全小写,通常为数值型,不应有空格或其他特殊字符,可包含的字符为0-9a-z._-,那么这里可以看到两个问题, 第一个问题是kylin的VERSION_ID不符合此描述,包含了大写字符,第二个问题是VERSION_ID可以包含a-z字母,但是通常是数值如17,11.04等。 但由于常见发行版都将此处处理为数值型,就导致ansible按照此约定俗成固化了其获取系统版本的方法,并试图将一个字符串转换为int,不能满足当VERSION_ID包含了字母的情况。 验证结论 通过以上判断看到VERSION_ID是导致该问题现象的关键,那么我们可以尝试修改一下该参数值,再执行setup看看是否可以正常工作: 手动将VERSION_ID从V10改为7,测一下: 改为10, 再测一下: 可以看到,修改os-release中VERSION_ID为纯数值后,setup就可以正常判断到系统版本,进而可以获取到正确的yum版本了。 通过以上可以看到操作系统中即便是一些不起眼的细枝末节,处理不当也可能引发”连锁反应”。